Art, Nature and Orchids

Orchids make me happy...Yesterday I bought myself a gift. A new white Orchid. To preserve it I photographed it and "Arted" it.

Flowers make me happy. They are calming, beautiful, often exquisite  and an amazement to me in their individuality. Nature is indeed a pure art form. The Botanical Beauties (and Beasties) take their cue from flowers for the most part. Take a detail and expand. The message is every detail can matter, and every person matters. We all need to do our part – whatever that may be.

Can you see the family resemblance  of the Love Birds to the Orchids? We are going to start a series today, showing off the family resemblance’s. This event will be collimated in a mini display at Whole Foods (Cranston R.I) at the end of April or the beginning of May (date still TBD.)  So let the fun begin with today!