Guess what? It’s Water Week in Botaniumus!
“ We know the worth of water when the well is dry.” -Ben Franklin
Since it is Water Week – It is Moes turn to shine – or in this case shimmer in the water!

He has water-breathing gills and can travel in the seas for as long as needed. He and his family can adapt to sea or land as needed. Moe’s job as Minister of Clean Water is a natural fit for him. While swimming he preforms water tests as well as notes underwater spots of beauty. Part of his job also includes marking problem areas. Unfortunately these areas are more common than he would like. Botaniumus citizens are used to clean azure water and areas that are not pristine make them all very sad.
Moe will be chatting about water, water conservation and any other water issues he feels like this week!
Even though it is not Fun Fact Friday – here are two cool tidbits of water info.
– “More than 99% of our living planet is ocean.” Edith Widder #TED
– The largest height variation between the highest mountain and the deepest point in the bottom of the ocean is about 12 miles.
FYI: Moe is made from Hydrangea, moss, peony. To learn more about Moe and the gang.