Congratulations to all the GRADS!

We know that not every Graduation is occurring  this week, but it does seem like a lot of them are!

May the future hold all bright & beautiful dreams to realities to you all! 

This image is also a Graduation card which you can order by contacting me at

Hello to all our new friends

Booth-Table at Gardens and Green Spaces
Booth/Table at Gardens and Green Spaces

Gardens & Green Spaces – – Want to thank all out new friends we made at the show. It was delightful to meet you all and share our world of Botaniumus. All the Botanical Beauties and Beasties send out a Big Green smile, and warm welcome to one and all.

“In the land of Botaniumus lives a community of whimsy and mostly beautiful creatures. They live a wonderful life of fun and frolic. They spring forth from glorious gardens and fantastic waters. You see they originate in parts of flowers or “organics” – such as moss, a plant stem, a bit of rock surface, or coral, or the like .

The mantra of the land is environmental consciousness, eco edu., and “living green.  The other prevailing wind is kindness to all in its community.”

A special shout outs to Barb Burgess, Polly at (check out her flowers and plants they are gorgeous!), my good friend Bernadette, and the wonderful world of serendipity and coincidence!

Next time we are “out”  in the world is our summer jaunts to WholeFoods in Cranston, Rhode Island. We will be there on Tuesday evenings starting in June from about 3 pm until sunset(ish.) Stay tuned for more details in a few weeks.

Gardens & Green Spaces

Gardens and Green SpacesWill you be in S. County R.I. today?
Sat. April 30,  8:15 − 4pm
RI Garden Symposium, “Gardens & Green Spaces” Browse the Gardeners’ Marketplace where Botanicals Beauties and Beasties will be.

Where? At the Center for Biotechnology and Life Sciences
University of Rhode Island – Kingston, R.I.

(register to go and get a $5.00 off coupon to use in the Marketplace) More info:
click for web site 

Visit the show or just visit the marketplace.

Sunday The Botanicals will be busy – it’s a wedding shower for one of their own! Get ready for the big day in June. Stay tuned for more info.

See you all on Monday.

In the meantime, plant some trees for Arbor Day and  ReDuce, ReCycle, ReUse.

Celebrate The Royal Wedding and Arbor Day TODAY!

Fun Fact Friday – we wind up fashion week with a step onto the woodland path for today is ARBOR DAY.

Looking for Weekend plans? Will you be in S. County R.I? Sat. April 30 8:15-4pm     RI Garden Symposium, “Gardens & Green Spaces” Browse the Gardeners’ Marketplace where Botanicals Beauties and Beasties will be. 
Where? At the Center for Biotechnology and Life Sciences
University of Rhode Island – Kingston, R.I. (register to go and get a $5.00 off coupon to use in the Marketplace) More info:
click for web site     Visit the show- or just visit the marketplace.

Rosie ready for Arbor Day but also wearing her crown to honor "the Royal Wedding"
Rosie ready for Arbor Day but also wearing her crown to honor "the Royal Wedding"

Arbor Day is a nationally celebrated observance that encourages tree planting and care. Founded by J. Sterling Morton in 1872, it’s celebrated on the last Friday in April. (Learn more.) Morton was from Detroit. Since both he and his wife were nature lovers they moved to Nebraska. There Morton was a journalist and he spread agricultural info and enthusiasm for tress to all who read his words. He and his fellow pioneers missed their trees, but also the trees were needed for windbreaks to keep soil in place, and for shade. Morton became Secretary of the Nebraska Territory, and so he now had more opportunity to stress the value of trees. Arbor day started on April 10, 1872 and it was estimated that more than 1 million trees were planted in Nebraska that first Arbor Day. In 1885 Arbor Day was named a legal holiday in Nebraska and April 22, Morton’s Birthday, was selected as the date for its permanent observance.  The first Arbor Day was a wildly successful event with parades, 1,000 school children planting trees, and ending up at the Nebraska City’s Opera House. Another 1,000  townspeople joined the parade and it was a wild success. During the 1870s other states passed legislation to observe Arbor Day, and the tradition began in schools nationwide in 1882. Today, the most common date for Arbor Day is the last Friday in April, and several U.S. presidents have proclaimed a National Arbor Day on that date. However, a number of states have moved the date around to coincide with the best tree planting weather.

“Each generation takes the Earth as trustees.”  J. Sterling Morton.

The above is surmised from www. – ( A flash animation)

AND NOW YOU KNOW ABOUT ARBOR DAY. Plant a tree this weekend, for yourself, for the earth.

Looking for Weekend plans? Will you be in S. County R.I? Sat. April 30 8:15-4pm

Join the fun at RI Garden Symposium, “Gardens & Green Spaces” Browse the Gardeners’ Marketplace where Botanicals Beauties and Beasties will be. 
There will be something for everyone in the Gardeners’ Marketplace!
 Where? At the Center for Biotechnology and Life Sciences
University of Rhode Island – Kingston, R.I. (register to go and get a $5.00 off coupon to use in the Marketplace)

More info:
click for web site     Visit the show- or just visit the marketplace.