Quiet days…or not?

Jolie, relaxing
Flowers, flowers, flowers- always help me relax, restore and renew.

Well Thanksgiving Day is behind us…Hunukka  (or Chanukah if you prefer ends 12/5)  is still with us…Christmas and New Years are around the corner… Then there is also Boxing Day (12/26) for the English in you… Kwanza (12/26-1/1) for those that honor African heritage, and the Winter Solstice (12/21 at 17:11) for ALL OF US. In fact if you look up Winter Holidays on Wikipedia there are 28 listed for December! Many of these holidays revolve originally around lights. Winter is dark! Winter is for a storing of energy! Look at the hibernating bears, dormant plants and trees in nature, they are all using stored fuel. When the sun is out in the winter, and it’s a crisp clear cold day, it is exhilarating. It’s as if you can feel the energy stored in the earth and sky too! Store up those feelings, wrap up that energy, and take hold of the good. Reflect, restore, renew…its sort of like recycling.

Its May, its Tuesday, lets meet at Whole Foods this afternoon (&/or Saturday)!

Botanical Beauties & Beasties Family Resemblance campaign will go LIVE, IN PERSON, TODAY at Whole Foods Market in Cranston RI (Garden City Store.)  We are excited to see people’s reactions when they understand the connections of the family of flowers to The Botanical Beauties!

We have created some special Mothers Days Cards, for this event. If you are still thinking hmmm … what to do for mom, how about a beautiful Whole Foods plant or arrangement of flowers with a beautiful Botanical Beauties Card to top it off! Smiles all around.

Come on by, say Hi and browse all the beauty with us from 2-6 today (Tuesday May 8th) and or Saturday May 12 10-2.  Hope to see you there! Location: 151 Sockanosset Cross Road Cranston, Rhode Island 02920  Learn about Whole Foods Floral: click here.

PS: We are also bringing out graduation cards for those special folks too!

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Can’t make the event don’t forget about our Online Store. 



Also, want to remind you will have a piece or two up in Princeton MA next weekend at The Princeton Arts Spring Show.  (see our calendar page for more info)

New Beginnings, the seasons and the flowers.

It is warm again up here. Many spring flowers are glorious in their blooming, showing off all the colors and shapes they can. Each Season seems like a new beginning – a chance to reinvent a part of yourself. You may do it with Fashion and the Public Persona you wear. Maybe your “hobby” changed? Your sports? Your arts? Your attitude? Your life can be what you choose (not easy but true.) Each season, and each birthday, feels like a new chance.

Seasons of 2012:
FALL EQUINOXSeptember 22, 10:49 A.M. EDT
WINTER SOLSTICEDecember 21, 6:12 A.M. EST

The obvious new beginnings are babies! We know that many new “wee ones” appear in the spring. Nature has naturally made it a good time for the young. The temps are better, food is more plentiful, and Moms and Dads come out of hibernation. The Botanical Beauties and Beasties are no exception. Meet our new baby! Speaking of family resemblance…. who do think her family is?


Art, Nature and Orchids

Orchids make me happy...Yesterday I bought myself a gift. A new white Orchid. To preserve it I photographed it and "Arted" it.

Flowers make me happy. They are calming, beautiful, often exquisite  and an amazement to me in their individuality. Nature is indeed a pure art form. The Botanical Beauties (and Beasties) take their cue from flowers for the most part. Take a detail and expand. The message is every detail can matter, and every person matters. We all need to do our part – whatever that may be.

Can you see the family resemblance  of the Love Birds to the Orchids? We are going to start a series today, showing off the family resemblance’s. This event will be collimated in a mini display at Whole Foods (Cranston R.I) at the end of April or the beginning of May (date still TBD.)  So let the fun begin with today!