It’s been a long time since I sat down and shared, wrote, and put The Botanical Beauties & Beasties “out there.” Too long. Much water has been crossed over; bridges have been traveled to and from and back again. I know it’s time to get back to BBB3. The present state of the world, our new politics, and policies are quiet distressing to me. If you don’t agree that’s your option/opinion and you can unsubscribe if you so wish. I won’t be talking much politics here except to mention that our nations new paths of exclusion, non environmental, bigotry and violence in words and actions have spurred me to go back to the BBB3 core message and tag line of Kindness, because it’s always the bottom line. When I changed the tag line back in May 2015 I had no idea of what was to come in November 2016. We need a world of INCLUSION, compassion, awareness of our world, the earth, and each other. This is what has partially pushed me out of my blasted off rocket that took off so many months ago. I have indeed landed, bumpy at times, but a good landing overall-moving forward with the Botanicals feels especially pertinent now. I am far from even remotely thinking I am more than, or even as big as, a submicroscopic dot on this universe-however, if ALL the tiny little parts gather ourselves up and collectively we can make a small impression it’s a great start. I will try to do my part here, and hopefully The Botanical Beauties & Beasties can shine and do their small part.
So-I hope to be able to provide a small smile, a kind thought and new drawing every 10 days or so. If I can accomplish that I will certainly share them with anyone that so kindly reads these post.