Its May, its Tuesday, lets meet at Whole Foods this afternoon (&/or Saturday)!

Botanical Beauties & Beasties Family Resemblance campaign will go LIVE, IN PERSON, TODAY at Whole Foods Market in Cranston RI (Garden City Store.)  We are excited to see people’s reactions when they understand the connections of the family of flowers to The Botanical Beauties!

We have created some special Mothers Days Cards, for this event. If you are still thinking hmmm … what to do for mom, how about a beautiful Whole Foods plant or arrangement of flowers with a beautiful Botanical Beauties Card to top it off! Smiles all around.

Come on by, say Hi and browse all the beauty with us from 2-6 today (Tuesday May 8th) and or Saturday May 12 10-2.  Hope to see you there! Location: 151 Sockanosset Cross Road Cranston, Rhode Island 02920  Learn about Whole Foods Floral: click here.

PS: We are also bringing out graduation cards for those special folks too!

banner image

Can’t make the event don’t forget about our Online Store. 



Also, want to remind you will have a piece or two up in Princeton MA next weekend at The Princeton Arts Spring Show.  (see our calendar page for more info)

Hear ye Hear ye…Upcoming Events

Twinkles, Hear Ye Hear Ye

Twinkles is Back in town! Even though it’s not really cold it is, after all, December. Twinkles missed her friends and has come on back for the winter! As you may remember she is a true snow goddess check it out on The Individuals Page/Stories continued page of our site. (Note she is towards the bottom of the page, it is in alphabetical order.)

Today not only is Twinkles  announcing her arrival but also some up and coming events, starting this Friday and Saturday!

Friday Dec 16: We are part of the Whole Foods, Garden City Holiday Cheer: 

“The Sounds of Effie Kalas for Buy Local Night!
Friday, December 16th 4:30-6:30 pm

Join us and enjoy the music of Effie Kalas of the Bootsy Brown Singer Songwriter Tour at Whole Foods Market. Shop local this holiday season!  Visit with many of our favorite local vendors, (That’s where we fit in) grab dinner and then head out for the Garden City Center Holiday Stroll! “ ….The Botanical Beauties will be at Whole Foods with a full line of fun gifts ready for you, your friends or perhaps that “hostess with the mostess” gift! Sounds like a grand time, for fun, families, and everyone. Grab some Holiday Spirit and stroll! (Maybe Rock Roll and Stroll?)

• Saturday Dec 17:  3:30 pm. Don’t live in RI? Not to worry, how about coming to Uxbridge MA. This will be an open house afternoon with the full Botanical Beauties Line out for one and all to see and enjoy. Email us for directions and more information. Email:

• Sunday Afternoon Feb 5: We are setting up for a Uxbridge Food Pantry Fund Raiser. The Pampered Chef will be doing a food and product demo, The Botanical Beauties and Beasties will be out and about as well. All in time for an easy Valentines Day gift! Share the Food, Share the love. If you are not the email invitation list, not to worry, just email us for directions and more information. You don’t even have to be there to help out the food pantry. We will take straight out donations for them or The Pampered Chef will be sending them a check based on products sold. Email:

Exciting….Meet Gordy! A man of the Fall Season….

Meet Gordy!
Gordy says Hello to each and every one of you. (click for larger image)
Gordy is the newest member of the Botaniumus Community. Since he is an Artist, and an Arts Journalist, he is the one that will be conducting our Artist Series Interviews.  We hope to start this very soon and to continue through the winter and beyond. We are still looking for a clever name!  Email Gordy all your cool ideas at
Gordy enjoys creating all types of art and places no limits on himself. Naturally, his bend is for ECO art, he loves to recreate and make “Objects D’Art” while keeping all his materials as green as possible. To that end, he now only shoots digital when he has a camera in hand, the chemicals of traditional film and processing is not something he wants to contribute to the world. His sculptures tend to be from “found or recycled materials, and he uses recycled paper for all his 2D work. He has been known to dance when the mood strikes, and “create for fun” when inspiration strikes! He also works as the Arts Journalist for the Local Paper of Botaniumus called Twine, Twigs Figura and News, or commonly called TTFN. (It’s ok to smile if you are a Tigger fan!)
Gordy is made from Gourds, Palm Tree Trunk, mixed floral and even a bit of a live Key West Iguana!
Since Gordy’s body and head are made of Gourds he has also become our Thanksgiving Card, he is the 7th in the series of our Eco Holiday Cards. (see below)
Holiday card possibilities
Holiday cards available now! - We are at Whole Foods outside, or in the entrance, for the next 2 weeks. Come on by, say Hi and you can buy Gordy, made from Gourds, just in time for Thanksgiving! All are printed on post consumer recycled paper.
Hope to see you at Garden City Whole Foods tomorrow! 

Fun Food Friday: Local, easy and delicious Corn Salad.

As many of you know, we are not only “frequent flyers” but “Weekly Tuesday Flyers” at the Cranston RI, Whole Foods Summer Farmer Market. Whole Foods generously supports us, enabling us to set out our “wares” (in our case artwork, cards, and a small product line from The Botanical Beauties and Beasties.) Thank you so much Whole Foods for supporting the local community of farmers and craftspeople. You guys ROCK!

O.K., on to last Tuesday which will bring us to todays Fun Food Friday. Each week the talented Holly Dion, from Whole Foods, joins in the fun by creating a delectable food tasting! Last week was a GREAT CORN SALAD. I wanted to share it with all you who did not make it down to Cranston RI that day.  There were only good things about this recipe, but to make it even better, it was FAST, EASY, ALL LOCAL INGREDIENTS, and YUMMY. Add that up and it equals Divine.  I am sure that pretty much wherever you may live/shop, you too can make this with all “local” ingredients.

Whole Foods was again very kind and said I could post this today to share. Many thanks to them … I call this- Divine Corn Salad.

  • 2 cups fresh corn kernels (Boil up the corn then de-cob it (yes, I just made that word up!) for the kernels.
  • 1 large local tomato, cut into pieces or wedges
  • 1/2 cup local red onion, sliced
  • 1/2 cup chopped local green pepper
  • 4-6 large Basil leaves cut into thin strips (perhaps you grew your own?)
  • 2 Tablespoons vinaigrette or Italian dressing (Holly used a great tasting dressing from Cindy’s Kitchen, called  Barcelona Vinaigrette – from Brocton MA.)
  • Handful of local mixed greens – baby greens are especially good.
Toss together corn kernels, tomato, onion, bell pepper, basil, and vinaigrette in a medium bowl. Spoon onto a bed of baby greens for serving.
That’s it! Easy Peasy….. ♥
To find this great recipe, and more, as well as cool local discoveries check out  the local Whole Foods Market – FORAGER.FINDS, Summer issue for Rhode Island and all of New England.

See you all on Monday!