The Individuals

Welcome to the land of Botaniumus!
A World of Creatures with an Eco Consciousness.

The stories of each creature – beasty or beauty is surely in the eye and mind of the beholder! Here are a few who would like to introduce themselves to you (alpha listing for the most part)  More on Stories Cont. Madelyn, Milly, Tilly, Mimi, Moe, Rosie, Twinkles ,Yum, Vaboom, Maggie, Wessie and Zoie all want to meet you too!

Birdelli - Fashion Designer and Model. (Bird of Paradise, Cactus, Bougainvillea)

Birdelli is our resident Eco Fashion Designer and Model of Green. The Fashion Industry (The Textile Industry) has been one of the worst polluters, however, their is a new awarness in todays Fashion world. Yahoo! Traditional fabric printing and dyeing produces a variety of chemicals, dyes, acids, alkalis and other toxic compounds which are known for their hazardous properties. The bulk is released as water pollution.  The good news is there are companies, and a trend, to stop all this and there are ways to do it. For instance one can dye fabrics with out water. Even Levis with their “Water” jeans  are getting into the big picture. So times are a’changing. Birdellis job as an Eco Conscious Creatures is to help spread the awareness and to help folks understand why buying Conscious Fashion matters. Rethink your wardrobe. Fun and syle are all available-with the right companies and a little thought you can help the world and look great while doing it! AND… while your at it-please buy local when you can. (Helaconia, Cactus, Bougainvillea)

The Blossoms: Tanka and Sakura.
In honor of Japan and the tragedies of 2011 the Botanical Beauties & Beasties wanted to create a breath of beauty. These two stand for beauty, strength, unity with, and for, one another. They hope for the possibility of closing your eyes, even when mass chaos surrounds you, and seeing beauty in your mind’s eye in that time of respite. Tanka (短歌)  (left) name means a short poem and is part of a larger group called Waka which literally means Japanese poem. Sukura (桜 or 櫻; さくら) (right) means Cherry blossoms and are celebrated for their beauty.  (Cherry Blossoms and other blossoms)

Boggie has a much happier personality than one might image from his image. His job is Chief Energy Office for the local power company of Natural Renewable Resources Power Inc. He has a tough job and it makes him angry when he has toxins to clean, which by the way, are usually from outsiders. His belief system is that everyone should know better and his job should become obsolete. Looking into the future Boggie believes that Education and Knowledge is the real power. Therefore, he spends a large part of time in schools and attending events spreading the message of “green” and why it is so important to all.  (mixed floral)

Boubolicious (Boubo or Beau, for short) is a very wise and knowing creature. Many come to him to ask questions of life and love. He guides his friends through many tough times and thrives on the happy ones. He is Ambassador of Wisdom.  (Bleeding Hearts)


Clive & Chi  Clive and Chi are siblings. Clive is the older bother and Chi being the younger sister. Together, they run a small grocery store chance called Nutree. They are schooled and trained as organic nutritionists. Their stores label all the food with nutrient and source information, and they carry “environmentally friendly” products/groceries. The focus is organic and clean as possible. They are for labeling and no GMOs.  The stores run nutrition classes and workshops available to all. It is their mission to have all understand their body needs good clean nutrition. Their saying goes… “Clean in = happy and wise.”  (Chives)

Caltha Caltha may be small in stature, but she is huge when it comes to clean air. She is Minister of Clean Air for Botaniumus (MCAB.) She flies through the air, testing, watching, and monitoring air quality. Her litheness lets her squeeze in-between clouds and slip in wherever she needs to go-she travels in a group so they can accomplish more air testing using less time, and because it is more fun to hang with your friends than alone. (Crocus)

Compost Monster

Compost Monster  He lives to dig in the muck and create food for gardens! Have extra veggie scrapes-please add them to his pile.He loves flowers too, but often thinks how silly monsters and flower look together, needless to say, ediable flowers are his favorites. He is especailly good friends with Heirloom Charlie, Ron, and Julia since all them are food and garden folks too!


Felix   Felix is The Master Recycler. He is well suited to this job for he can hold things in each of the curves of his body as he is sorting the usual-paper, cans, and glass. In Botaniumus they take their “waste” very seriously, and are uber recyclers. Recycle, Reduce, Reuse, Rethink  & Upcycle, are Felix’s motto. (Pieris japonica)


The feather of Wonder and Awe. The star of the book childrens Awesome. Fuddles shares the simple joys of nature and kindness with both children and adults who read to thier kids.


Meet Gordy!

Gordy  Gordy is an Artist and an Arts Journalist. He enjoys creating and places no limits on himself. Naturally, his bend is for ECO art, he loves to recreate and make “Objects D’Art” keeping all his materials as green as possible. He only shoots digital for it’s fast, creative and uses no chemicals for porcessing. His sculptures tend to be from “found materials, and he uses recycled paper for all his 2D work. He works as the Arts Journalist for the Local Paper of Botaniumus called Twine, Twigs Figura and News (or commonly called TTFN.) (Gourds, Palm Tree and mixed floral)


Heirloom Charlie
Heirloom Charlie

Heirloom Charlie (aka Radiator Charlie) Meet  Our First Vegetable Beauty! Charlie is a sustainable farmer, no GMOs and organic are his “methods.” He pays homage to ALL farmers who honor Heirlooms (seeds, product and produce) and to The Fabulous Beekman Boys. Their concept of Heirloom Living is to be admired. Their “pay it forward” action displayed with their  “Mortgage Lifter Heirloom Tomato Pasta Sauce” is such a great idea that I was inspired to create Heirloom Charlie. Sustainable farming, food, hard work and team efforts equal a life long result!

Izabella, Iz for short, runs the local café ,which is like an old fashioned general store, called  “The Knowledge Café,” it is a major gathering place for all in the community of Botaniumus. The store is a place of wonderment with books, technology, Julia’s Bakery (called Joyful Sparkles), and full of fun.  Naturally, the Café is also a gallery, a stage, and an art showplace/gallery. Iz is among the multi talented of the land and is often found up on the stage engaged in the theater arts, or with her music.  (Mixed floral)

Jolie    She lives in the Meadows. She is passionate about exploring and promoting herbals and their uses for medicinal means and for beauty. She runs the shop called Naturals in Meadowville to serve both purposes. She is there to help you as needed, to mend your ailments and to “create beauty” inside and outside of you! (Columbine (Aquilegia))



Her mom was in love with cooking, and was a fabulous chef.  When Julia was born it was clear what her name would be. She remembers sitting around the kitchen table playing “French Chef.”  It was no surprise that as an adult she followed her heart and became an amazing Organic Baker and Chef. She was truly born to do this! Julia’s Bakery  called Joyful Sprinkles is located inside The Knowledge Cafe so she is at the center of all gatherings and news.  Stop by for a delectable bite of joy! (Lupine & Mixed Florals)

Love Birds    These two Love Birds take care of all kinds of hearts and they care for  all “matters of the heart”: broken hearts, physical hearts, any “matter!” They are Health Care Workers (the heart muscle), they may have started out separately as botanists (bleeding heart flowers), and as artists – but now they are joined for the benefit of many creations that include and/or come from the heart.  (Orchids, Moss, Peonies)

Mable and Ollie  They are married – no children yet…. Ollies job is create order out of chaos – he has great sensitivity to small changes.

Mable is CEO of a manufacturing company named Emos – a company creates smiles. Smiles bring laughter and all are encouraged to do that as much as possible! (Lady Slippers)

Ollie – Creating order of chaos – a BIG job! The good news is that Ollie is Minister of Truth and he has great sensitivity to small changes. He has very high values and is extremely bright, so he is clearly up to the challenge. He works by himself, and lives by the quote “Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either” by Albert Einstein   (tulip)

More on Stories Cont.

Madelyn, Milly, Tilly, Mimi, Moe, Rosie, Twinkles ,Yum, Vaboom, Maggie, Wessie and Zoie all want to meet you too!
