You can’t use up creativity. BUT…

I am still pondering the question of creativity and imagination. The part that is clear is that the power and magic happens when combined with actions.

“The biggest difference between c is that imagination is thinking of something ‒ whether it’s an object, place, time, etc. ‒ that is not present, while creativity is doing something meaningful with your imagination….

Sir Robinson explains that imagination is the “act of bringing things into conscious that aren’t here …

Imagination allows us to think of things that aren’t real or around us at any given time, creativity allows us to do something meaningful with our imaginations.

Knowing the difference: ask yourself how you are creative? How do you use your imagination to do something meaningful that is creative?”

The above is referring and referencing the book below. It was posted on March 16th, 2010 by Tanner Christensen on his blog CREATIVE SOMETHING.

Book Cover-The Element

“A New York Times-bestselling breakthrough book about talent, passion, and achievement from the one of the world’s leading thinkers on creativity and self-fulfillment.  The Element is the point at which natural talent meets personal passion.”

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”   -Maya Angelou

Creative activity aims to do something purposeful.
Imagination is something that emerges.

(I say to myself and you all.)
Go and Mix it up.
Show up and do something with your thoughts.
Use it… both your creativity AND your imagination.
Expand your universe.
Get out and Go and Try.
Read the poem, show the artwork, share the music.
Explore the idea.
Revel in the ideal.
Let the fear go.

“As an old peer of mine, Jez Burrows, once said:
If you do nothing, nothing happens.
 (-from Tanner Christensen blog.)