What makes a drawing? What makes Art? The ‘tools of the trade’ and changing as fast as the art world always has…..In doing some internet digging here are some interring words.
“Art Authority, one of the top apps for viewing artworks, has already upgraded its resolution to match that of the new iPad. The app claims that with retina display, seeing art on the iPad is “as good as in a museum.” That, of course, is questionable since no app can truly replace a museum experience, and in our quest for high definition, one often forgets that life itself is free of pixels. We do not need an iPad to see the world, let alone artworks. Nevertheless, the increased resolution can only serve to improve the quality of apps such as Art Authority.
With more and more app developers upgrading to the newer resolution, the digital world of the iPad will surely emerge as sharper, clearer, and more inviting. But let’s hope we won’t lose ourselves, along withour sense of sight, in its stunning display, and will remember to look up at the world, at real life, from time to time. Maybe give our retinas a glimpse of the horizon or better yet, a piece of art! ” -http://www.technologyinthearts.org/2012/03/ipad-retina-display-and-art-apps/#more-4425
That is all about the VIEWING… what about the CREATING?
There is Art made on paper and then one way or another put into a digital form to show up on-line… there is “live performance Art” – taped and put on-line to share with the world… there is art totally created with digital computer tools, their is sculptural art, and jewelry art and on it goes on and on, mind boggling….a never ending fuzzy and wonderfully drawn line (to be corny) drawn in the sands of art time. Who else has read Harold and his purple crayon? This purple line goes on and on….just like art…
I find the iPad an incredible freeing and fantastic creative tool…It is part of my Digital Art. Below is a drawing that sums up what I feel about “digital art” right now, this day, this minuet and will probably change in five minuets. A funny mix of styles, even the traditional is not traditional anymore. In this case the most traditional tool is Photography. (Today some folks still question whether photography is an art. For the record, I am clear that it is.) In this piece it’s the background image, a travel photo of a rocky coast.. Export it into SketchBook Pro (IiPad app) and Brushes (another iPad app) …recreate…. add a cartoon like sketch made on the iPad. Enhanced by exporting it to Photoshop on my desktop…. then take it all back to the iPad and PSTouch (Photoshop for the iPad – it’s amazing!), add another photo, this time taken with the iPad camera of what was actually a table edge right in front of me (can you find it?) Back to “big brother Photoshop” on the desktop…. add a few more adjustments and lighting needs. Doing it on the desktop just because it is bigger and I have ever tool possible to me there. This is what I end up….. A mixed media, modern art work? Marty (the fish) looks TOTTALY out of place and yet there is also something fascinating about the juxtaposition. All these tools/devices/skills/modes of creativity are all mixed up together, not fighting each other, just hanging out toghter waiting for use. Is that what you feel about digital art? At the very least it is an intriguing process to pursue.
As it was stated above- “…one often forgets that life itself is free of pixels. We do not need an iPad to see the world, let alone artworks… remember to look up at the world, at real life, from time to time. Maybe give our retinas a glimpse of the horizon or better yet, a piece of art!”