Nothing is perfect but….

…the least perfect moments are sometimes the one that imprint the most, the ones we learn from (hopefully) and the ones we move to the next whatever from.

Some say a circle is perfect, some feel a clean fresh snowfall is, while for others it’s the roar of the ocean. Ultimately, it is probably your attitude that enables you feel a moment, an event, or even a lifetime as perfect.

Our preferences change as do our lives-everything is subjective. Our eyes see what they see, our ears hear what they hear, and it is all filtered and processed through our own brain. We learn ‘it’ and act on ‘it’ as we so desire, maybe as we need to, or even have to. Things change, and we adjust.

For instance, I am clear Climate Change is a real thing. I see, hear, read supportive evidence that supports my feelings and thoughts on the subject. However, others clearly disagree. To me, it is preposterous how anyone could think/believe that Climate Change is a hoax. To me it is clear, I see ice caps melting, water tables rising, temps and weather abnormalities everywhere. This absolutely is not just “perceptions.” The imprint of big oil companies and big money on the ecosystem will leave an imprint that possibly can’t be changed back. There will be repercussions we can’t recover from. What will be “next”- we don’t get Earth 2.0!?

Back to the circle-something’s can turn back on themselves, something’s can roll on, and something’s cannot. Some people have ideas you cannot change, right or wrong it is their view. Not too many things in this universe are static, movement is critical. Winds blow, waters flow, ice melts and it all starts again. Life is indeed cyclical. Improvement, movement, and human interactions are the most essential aspect of human survival and existence.

Balancing act
its all about the blance


Life often is a balance issue, and we try to stay on the tightrope the best we can. If you are in the North-catch a falling snowflake. In the South, catch a ray of sunshine. Either way, hope it’s a healthy happy balance for you as 2016 closes and 2017 dawns upon us.

Meet Ronfleur! A sizzling new member of Botaniumus.

Twinkles came to our community in the winter. In case you don’t remember she is the Goddess of the Shimmering Snow and is a true snow bird. She comes IN with the winter weather and she cares about the cleanliness of the snowfall. Toxins in the atmosphere, which make for “dirty snow” are devastating to her.

Well, now it is time for her cousin to come to town. Meet Ronfleur:(eef you vant to know vat my nem meanz luk it up; merci!) She is summer personified! She is carefree in personality but not in the Nature (i.e . the ecosystem.) She is all about fun in the sun BUT, her cause is Climate Change. A problem that is affecting people and the environment worldwide. Greater energy efficiency and new technologies hold promise for reducing greenhouse gases and solving this global challenge.

Ronfleur checks in and works with her cousin to see what they can do to help. Is climate change a concern to you? Are you willing to take these actions (recommended by the EPA) and do your part? … “You release greenhouse gases as a result of using energy to drive, using electricity to light and heat your home, and through other activities that support our quality of life, like growing food, raising livestock and throwing away garbage. Greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced through simple measures like changing light bulbs and properly inflating your tires. The EPA site listed below, provides over 25 easy steps you can take to not only reduce your greenhouse gas emissions, but also reduce air pollution, increase the nation’s energy independence and save money.” As always Reduce, ReUse, ReCycle, ReThink.

Ronfleur - summertime
Ronfleur – summertime and the living is hot!