The Botanicals Meet April friends & the Easter Bunny sneaks in.
Yesterday was Earth Day – April 22, 1970, more than 20 million people across the U.S. are estimated to have participated in that first Earth Day.41 years later and 41st Earth Day Exceeds 100 Million Acts! The achievement puts Earth Day Network’s Billion Acts of Green campaign well on the road to success for delivering a billion Acts to world leaders at the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to spur action against climate change. It is a fitting new chapter to Earth Day’s historic legacy of inspiring ordinary people to take action against Earth crises.
This blog, these postings, these creatures, this effort is from my heart and soul – this is my ”commitment to educate friends and family on global warming and to hopefully buy green products such as energy-saving compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs).” I hope you find your passion for the Eco and Earth as well.