Journeys-they can be near or far, enormous, tiny, artistic, elegant, mundane, urban, rural, fantastic, terrifying, physical, emotional, even metaphysical, and so many more. Journeys may take you far in distance, but I would venture to say that they are never too far from your heart. Soulful journeys…Joyful journeys…Tragic journeys… Magical journeys…Life Journeys…Everyday is a mini journey, and everyday we have some reason to sojourn on. Interesting enough sojourn is defined as: “A period of time when you stay in a place as a traveler or as a guest.” (
Therefor, the next question seems to be…Are we merely guest here on this planet, in our bodies? We all know the obvious answer to that is yes. Think of a day journey, or the other end of the spectrum, a life journey, we sojourn through. Even in the most difficult times we somehow find the strength to move thru. The journey is yours-unique to you-and yours to own. From our first breath to our last, it’s all a passage. Don’t be quiet in your own voyage. Every day make your sojourn one that matters, even it it’s just a tiny itsy bitsy bit-all those bits add up. Take the leap. Jump high and fly. Jump into your own odyssey. When all is said and done, my guess is that will be glad you did.
- Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. – Confucius
- Fall seven times, stand up eight. – Japanese proverb
- Leaps of faith-maybe that should also be Leap of fate!?- BBB3
- Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. – Archbishop Desmond Tutu
This post is dedicated to David who did indeed sojourn on with grace, wisdom, love and dignity (…and The Redsoxs as well as the Patriots.) David ended his physical life journey today. He was loved by many and will be greatly missed. Special love to Mark, Rachel, Emily, Daniel, Ben and Jess.
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