To mothers of human babies, and to all the mothers of all the creatures of planet Earth
♥ Happy Mothers Day! ♥
The Love Birds just found out about an Orchid Show – Orchid Mania 2011: Purple Reign, it’s in Cleveland (a long way for them to travel) but they are excited anyways. When your head is an Orchid this is big news!
They thought you might like to know a tad more about Orchids. First the flower definition, then the Botanicals definition.
“Throat – the inner portion of a tubular orchid lip, often quite colorful. Lip – the part of the flower that is almost completely divided from the rest of the flower, however, it is connected by the column. The lip is specialized to aid in pollination.” Definitions and image from:
Throat – the long portion in a tubular shape, connected to the beak, often quite colorful.
Lip – the part of the Botanical Beauties that is on the outside of the beak or mouth. The lip is specialized to form words.
(It’s Whimsy Wednesday, and so an illustration of some type appears today.)