The party at Knowledge Café was a smashing success!

Dancing Felix
Dancing Felix

All, especially Felix who danced the night away, had an outstanding time!  Everyone was so happy to see Twinkles again. She was late this year in getting to town, storm after storm has keep her traveling all around the globe. It has been such a busy winter for her! She is glad to get to Bohaniumus and visit with old friends plus rest a bit. Although she will have to take some samples and measurements of snow and toxins her friends will all be there to help, making short work of a big job.

Felix is usually a pretty reserved guy. However, the music was mind-blowing, the company spectacular, and Izabella did an incredible job with the food and decorations. There is rumor of a summer wedding in the works (shhh – it is all top secret for now) but Iz wanted to get a little “practice” in party planning!